Very successful results from the International Homicide Investigators Symposium. Met some very dedicated and professional individuals there and had some great feedback from the participants in the special leadership sessions.
Latest Results: Leadership Effectiveness -
Held at: Tracy Police Department
Dates: February 6 - 10
18 Initial Participants
17 Final Participants
Overall Competency Increase Measured By Pre and Post Tests

Highest Competency Increase Measured By Pre and Post Tests
Least Competency Increase
0% (1 Participant)

All participants reported a
self-assessed increase in
competence in all areas of study.
All Participants gave the training a 5-Star rating

Some comments from the participants:
Great training and creative, allows you to think more about leaders and followers."
What they said about the class!
What did you like best about the course? 16 of 16 respondents replied.
The team/group activities.
The information is critical to small groups dynamics.
All of the examples made understanding the content relatable and understandable.
I like the interactions, videos, stories, games. The instructor willingness to answer questions about real situations currently happening.
The group interaction and activities.
Kept us engaged the whole training
The group dynamic.
Instructors incorporated student participation. The constant engagement really helps. Keeps the class on task and gives a better understanding of the topic.
The reinforcement after learning about the skills.
Building upon each topic and how it relates to leadership.
I actually learned
Interaction and real-life experiences
Book is great. Able to take little notes so you can pay attention
The interactions and videos
The videos that were relevant to the philosophies.
Good conversation and examples, both from Chris/Craig and the students
What did you like least about the course? 15 of 16 respondents replied.
At times, a little fast. I needed time to absorb the theory’s. Especially hitting 3/4 of the way thru the week.
The chairs were uncomfortable, sometimes it made it difficult to listen completely and didn’t care for the gal coughing in my ear although she was a nice person and very caring.
Nothing. I liked everything!
I enjoyed all of the training
It was all useful info
No complaints
Nothing I did not like about the class.
Nothing. Everything was great, the host for training, the people, the materials, and most of all the training.
Having to talk, although I know it is necessary.
Some things like cohesion I feel like were harder to understand or grasp for myself so maybe not as fast paced.
The quiz given to our spouses (hehehe)
Long days and long week of info :D
Actually, nothing....
Please provide any comments about the instruction received. 16 of 16 respondents replied.
Great examples provided (i.e., movie clips, videos, presentation slides). I like that we had a workbook that we could follow with the slides and add our own notes.
I appreciated you taking time for people to bring up their individual/agency issues and addressing them.
The instruction was very helpful, will be taking it back to my agency and putting it to use immediately.
The course was very informative. Provided me with new tools to effectively communicate follow and lead, and tools to resolve conflict resolution.
Chris and Craig are very knowledgeable and caring. They took the time to make sure we understood every method. Lead the class by example!
Great class and the explanation of every subject made sense. I would like to take more classes.
I’m a big fan of interactive games and tend to learn that way. To keep everyone engaged I think it’s a great idea to do at least one before lunch and one after to keep everyone moving.
Thank you! I felt the course was very beneficial.
All instruction was clear and consistent
This is not only helpful for me as an individual, but I hope it makes me a better supervisor.
My apologies for being distracted by the happenings at my office.
Best leadership class I have had. Chris and Craig were great, and I knew what was expected of me
Great practical information. Followers defiantly need a course as well
Very informative and knowing I’m walking away with great confidence being a new leader
Loved the science behind everything and the real work application. Loved the discussion amongst the participants and the games and break outs were fun too.
Fantastic....I actually bought S.C.O.R.E. and should get it Saturday!!! I will also be sharing it with Jade....