Recent Projects
Leadership Development Courses for local District Attorney's Office Employees.
Types of HR/Workplace Investigations, Examinations, Analyses.
Types of Workplace/College/University Actions:
Disciplinary investigations, employee sabotaging company equipment, employee threatening a supervisor and coworkers, management incompetence, manager - non-performance of duties, habitually absent and DUI employee, unprofessional management practices, falsification of information and hiring practices, inequitable hiring practices, grade change violations, Title IX violations, leadership analysis for college dean and management practices.
Workplace Analyses and Developed Actions
Performance counseling plans, performance improvement plans, Title IX processes and policies. Title VII - Sexual Harassment investigations, Developed EEO Policies, Co-Authored MOU's, Conduct Supervisor Abilities Study, EEO Investigations, EEO Policy Review/writing, Ergonomics Assessments, Custom Designed Leadership/Supervisory Training

Dr. Fuzie and Dr. McMullen with Ira Chaleff,
Author of "The Courageous Follower" (center)

"Discovering the Entwining of Leader and Follower Behaviors"
We were interested in knowing if leaders wanted the same behaviors in their followers that had been identified for great leaders. So, we asked via an online, anonymous survey and got some surprising and not-so-surprising results.
The results were presented at the First Global Followership Conference at the University of Waterloo, in Canada on 7/27/2019.
Participants were presented with 86 behaviors of great leaders. They were asked as either wanting the same, not wanting the same or unsure if they wanted the same behaviors in their followers and leaders. A total of 3698 responses was recorded.

2- Year study of Pre-Post Test Results of Leadership Competencies
How can increasing the leadership competence of your trainers, front-line supervisors, team leaders, and managers help your bottom line?
Would you like to see your organization's leaders' competence increase by 18% or more in just one week?
Not to mention the motivation, satisfaction and performance (otherwise known as morale or engagement) of your employees? We have proven results for the leadership competence level of our training for the last two years.

Study Results:
CMF Leadership has been measuring the results of the pre-instruction competency levels and the post-instruction competency levels for two years. This process involved participants taking a pre-test, followed by one week of instruction, and then an identical post-test. There were 10 classes tested with 150 participants. Class size ranged from 10 participants to 27 participants, with an average class size of 15 participants. The average pre-test percentage correct was 66.47%, while the average post-test percentage correct was 84.89%. That was an average increase across all competencies of 18.42%.
The following leadership topics were tested for pre and post instruction knowledge: Bases of Power, In-Group/Out-Group, Followership, Individual Differences, Generational Factors, Blame/Credit, Socialization, Cohesion, Equity, Motivation, Goal Setting, Team Structure, Team Decision Making, and Managing Team Conflict.
The largest increase observed was in the area of understanding Bases of Power with 64.26% increase in knowledge. The smallest measured increase was in Socialization with only 0.94% increase.
Doctoral Research